Museum opening hours: Terça a domingo, das 10h00 às 18h00



Legislation and founding moments of the Museum

– Decree of 16 june 1910, published in the Diário do Governo no. 136, of 23 june 1910: The building is classified as a National Monument (temple of the Collegiate Church and its dependencies, except for the Chapter House).

– Decree no. 15.209 of 17 March 1928creation of the Museu de Alberto Sampaio.

– Decree no. 21.514 of 26 July 1932the internal regulation of the Museum is established.

Diário de Governo no. 94, of 19 April 1956: The building is classified as Zona Especial de Proteção (Special Protection Zone). ZEP, Portaria, DG, 2nd Series, no. 94 of 19 Aprl 1956 *1 / Included in the Special Protection Zone of the Urban Nucleus of the City of Guimarães.

– Decree-Law no. 46.758 of 18 December 1965: General Regulation of Museums of Art, History and Archaeology.

– Regulatory Decree no. 34/80 of 2 August 1980Museu de Alberto Sampaio becomes dependent on the Instituto Português do Património Cultural, then created.

– Decree-Law no. 278/91 of 9 August 1991Museu de Alberto Sampaio becomes dependent on the Instituto Português de Museus, then created.

– Decree-Law no. 161/97 of 26 June 1997: New organic/ structure of the Instituto Português de Museus.

– Decree- Law no. 97/ 2007 of 29 March 2007Museu de Alberto Sampaio becomes dependent on the Instituto dos Museus e da Conservação, then created.

– Decree-Law no. 114/2012 of 25 May 2012: Museu de Alberto Sampaio becomes dependent on the Direção Regional de Cultura do Norte, then created.