Museum opening hours: De terça a domingo, das 10h00 às 18h00. Claustro encerrado devido a obras de requalificação.

Light tours

Light tours

With these «light» tours, one does not intend to present all the collections of the Museum, but a selection of the most emblematic pieces that are explored using questions and games. These are short, fun and participatory tours!

Five Pieces, Five Stories

In this tour, we only choose five emblematic pieces of the collection of the Museum on display and they are contextualised in their period.

Target public: Students aged 6 to 12
Duration: 1 hour
No. of participantes: 30 students

Who wants to be an historian?

The tour follows the model of a quiz show with questions of multiple choice. For each right answer, the class wins a postcard (a total of 6). At the end, the class is awarded a participation certificate.

Target public: Students aged 6 to 12
Duration: 1 hour
Nº of participantes: 30 students